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Evästetietojen avulla Palvelun kävijämääriä voidaan seurata Bella-Veneet Oy:n ja sen yhteistyökumppaneiden toimesta sekä analysoida ja kehittää kävijöitä paremmin palvelevaksi. Lisäksi Bella-Veneet Oy:n yhteistyökumppanit saattavat käyttää mainonnan kohdentamiseksi evästeitä, joilla kerätään tietoa kävijän vierailuista tällä ja muilla sivustoilla. Evästeiden avulla kerättyä tietoa käytetään kävijän kiinnostusten kohteiden perusteella kohdennetun mainonnan tuottamiseen. Evästeiden avulla tehdyssä mainonnan kohdentamisessa kävijää ei yksilöidä eikä tietoja yhdistetä kävijältä mahdollisesti muussa yhteydessä saatuihin henkilötietoihin.

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Bella-Veneet Oy, part of Nimbus Group, has adapted the business to the Data Protection Regulation GDPR of May 2018.


This information security policy applies to Bella-Veneet Oy (Bella Boats). The aim of the policy is to protect our customers, the business and our employees’ information.

The policy shall be available to all employees. The CEO/manager responsible shall ensure that all employees and students have read and understood the significance of this policy. Employees must comply with this policy.

How we process your personal data

Bella Boats processes your personal data in order to be able to handle our customer supplier relationship. We therefore record customer information, purchases, service etc. for the products and services you order, buy, sell. On our websites (,,,, we have cookies to customise page views in order to increase relevance to you. The personal data is also used to contact you and to communicate information and offers.
Bella Boats does not share your personal data with anyone other than the suppliers you purchased products from as well as suppliers of our IT systems.

We secure your personal data and rights through assistance agreements with these suppliers.

Privacy policy

Bella Boats respects your privacy. This privacy policy describes your rights to privacy and our commitment to protect your personal data.

Bella Boats is located within the EU / EEA and is therefore covered by European regulations and directives on data protection and privacy. Our privacy policies and guidelines respect and comply with the GDPR.


This privacy policy applies to all business processes in Bella Boats, websites and third party social networks (e.g. Facebook).

Personal data is information which can identify you as a person, such as an e-mail address, street address or telephone number. Processing of your personal data is necessary for us to serve you or our customers. By being a customer of ours, you accept the methods and conditions as described in this privacy policy. The policy also represents potentially new customers who wish to come in contact with us.

How we work with your personal data

To handle our customer relationships in general and to fulfil our customers’ commitments, Bella Boats requires some information about you in your role as a customer contact or a service user. Our objectives with this are:
a) Provide offers on goods and services that customers or potential customers have requested.
b) Carry out deliveries in accordance with a customer agreement.
c) Improve the quality of our goods and services.
d) Discover and prevent security threats and undertake maintenance and troubleshooting.
e) Communicate information relevant to our deliveries in particular and our customer relationships in general
f) Order placement, invoicing, payments and other financial follow up of Customers and suppliers.
Processing according to the above stated objectives is necessary in order to be able to handle our customer relationships. Bella Boats therefore does not need to ask for your consent to process your personal data.How we process your data
The type of data that Bella Boats processes about you may be:
– Your own and the customer’s contact details, e.g. name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
– Feedback, comments or questions about Bella Boats as a supplier, or about our goods and services
– Other personal data in your profile on third party social networks (Facebook etc.)
– If you post, comment or similar on any public forum or Bella Boats site, such information can be read and used by anyone who has access to the website and for purposes that neither Bella Boats nor you have control over. Bella Boats is not responsible for information you submit to such forums or Bella Boats websites. Bella Boats will not use any comment or similar made by you without your prior consent.
– As a data controller, Bella Boats does not handle sensitive personal data about you.

How we share your personal data

Bella Boats will not share your personal information with third parties who intend to use the data for marketing purposes unless you have given your consent to this.

Bella Boats may share your personal data with third parties for other purposes but only in the following context may share your personal information with our partners if legitimate from a business perspective. For example, if you make a purchase, where this includes another product covered by Warranty.

Public authorities

The police and other authorities may require the surrender of personal data from Bella Boats. In these cases, Bella Boats will only submit data if there is a court order to do so.

Your rights

You are entitled to opt out of marketing communications from Bella Boats and can do so by:
(a) following the instructions for removal in marketing communication,
(b) Contacting us by e-mail
Note that even if you do not choose to receive marketing communications, you can still receive administrative communications from Bella Boats, such as order confirmations and messages.

Access and change of information

You are entitled to request a copy of your personal information. You can send us a request for this. You also have the right to request Bella Boats to correct any errors in your personal information.

How long do we store your personal data?

Bella Boats only retains your personal information as long as necessary for the stated purpose, while considering our need to answer questions or resolve issues and to comply with legal requirements under applicable laws.

This means that we can keep your personal information for a reasonable time after your last interaction with us. When the personal data we collect is no longer required, we will destroy or delete this safely. We may process data for statistical purposes, but in such cases, data will be anonymised.

You can find the dates on the latest revision of the policy below.
• June 2020

How to contact us

We value your opinion. If you have any comments or questions about our privacy policy or data usage that we have not addressed satisfactorily or in the event of a breach of your privacy, please send them to You can also send it in writing to Bella-Veneet Oy, Data Protection